Overloading? Overriding? Abstraction? Encapsulation?

지니🧸·2023년 4월 17일


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Overloading과 Overriding


Overloading: allows different methods to have same name but different signature

  • different signature: number/type of input paramters, or both

  • a.k.a. compile time polymorphism, static polymorphism, early binding

  • method call determined at compile time

Ways of method overloading in Java

  • changing the number of parameters
  • changing data types of arguments
  • changing order of parameters of methods

Compile time polymorphism

Polymorphism: objects' capacity to take several forms

Compile time polymorphism

  • resolved during compilation process
    • method definition & method call are linked during compile time
  • achieved by method overloading & operator overloading
  • actual object is not used for binding
  • program execution is faster than late binding


Overriding: allows a subclass or child class to provide a specific implementation of a method already provided by its super-classes or parent classes

  • when a method in subclass has same name & parameters/signature & return type as a method in super-class
  • one way to achieve runtime polymorphism
  • method call determined at runtime based on object type
  • final, static, or private methods cannot be overriden
    • static: defining a static method w/ same signature as a static method is method hiding
    • private: private methods can't be overriden b/c they are bonded during compile time

Use super to call parent class method in overriding method.

Runtime Polymorphism

Runtime polymorphism (= Dynamic method dispatch): process in which a call to an overriden method is resolved at runtime rather than compile time

  • an overriden method is called through reference variable of a superclass
  • determination of method to be called is based on the object being referred to by the reference variable

Upcasting: when reference variable of parent class(interface) refers to object of child class
A a = new B(); // when B inherits A

Access Modifiers

The access modifier for an overriding method can allow more (BUT NOT LESS) than the overriden method

(ex) protected instance method in super-class can be overriden by a public method > made public (not private)

Abstraction과 Encapsulation


Abstraction: property by virtue of which only the essential details are displayed to the user

  • non-essential units are displayed to the user
  • process of identifying only the required characteristics of an object, ignoring irrelevant details


Encapsulation: wrapping up of data under a single unit

  • binds code & data together it manipulates
  • a protective shield that prevents data from being accessed by code outside this shield
    • variables/data of a class is hidden from any other class
      • can be accessed only through member functions of its own class (where they're declared)
  • data-hiding: data in a class is hidden from other classes
  • can be achieved by declaring all variables in the class as private & writing public getters/setters



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