Linux - ubuntu(windows ver.)

김연혁·2023년 2월 15일


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🌊 Word Define

  • CLI : Command-Line Interface, same as Linux
  • GUI : Graphic User Interface

  • 🌊 Command

    command discription option
    pwd to check current location
    mkdir to creat a new folder
    ls to print a list of folders or files in current directory -l, -a, -al
    cd to move to designated directory
    touch to creat a new file
    echo to print a following content on the screen
    > to store the executed result as files echo hello > hi.txt
    cat to print contents of a file to the terminal
    rm to delete folders or files -r, -f, -rf
    mv 1. to move folders or files to a new location
    2. to rename the folders or files
    cp to copy folders or files
    sudo to obtain administrator privileges

    🌊 The Process of Computers to Make Files Move or Copy

    1. temporarily store the contents of the file
    2. delete the file from its original directory
    3. creat a files with the stored contents in new location

    💥There are no process.2 above in copy process

    🌊 drwxr-xr-- > administrator privileges

    💥chmod : to change administrator privileges
    There are two method use chmod. First, Symbolic Method.

    by combining these symbols, you can use [chmod] command

    <chmod a=rw  # -rw-rw-rw-
    chmod g+x   # -rwxrw-rw-

    Second, Absolute Method.

    chmod 744   # -rwxr--r--
    개발 공부 행복

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