Have you seen the developer's blogs that ends with .github.io?
Making our own blog with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript would take forever, so we're going to use site generator, which alreay made a blog site for us and can be customized. Just install, edit the settings, write the contents, and deploy!! We're using github to deploy and domain offered by github as well!
It is to open our work that we have developed to public so that anyone can access to it.
A website address that is converted from number, ip address, to string. We need to buy domain and connect to ip address by ourselves to create our own blog, but this time, we're using Github Pages in github. Now we have a domain username.github.io
get git and npm installed
create a new virtual environment
Choose in Gatsby Theme in Gatsby Starter. We'll use gatsby-starter-lumen.
Install gatsby-cli
globally to use gatsby command.
npm install -g gatsby-cli
Now we're getting a source code from our chosen blog theme.
gatsby new blog https://github.com/alxshelepenok/gatsby-starter-lumen
Make sure to edit package.json
file to use npm as a default not yarn in package manager!!
"develop": "npm run clean && gatsby develop",
npm develop
See what's on the localhost:8000, which is called local environment.
Get to config.js
file and edit title, subtitle, and author.
In url.js
file, edit like below.
module.exports = {
url: 'https://RainaKim.github.io/',
In src/package.json
, edit "deploy" part under "script".
"deploy": "npm run clean && gatsby build && gh-pages -d public -b master",
Then, after finishing our posting, deploy with
npm deploy
Create a new repository with the name username.github.io
Setting git in blog root.
git init
git remote add origin https://github.com/username/username.github.io.git
Check if origin address is successfully connected
git remote -v
See if it's pushed properly.
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git push origin master
Then deploy!!!
npm deploy
If it works out well, go check the master branch and see how the source code has been uploaded. It might look different from the original source code. This source is not for customizing and developing but for deploying by changing from md file to html, js file.
Deploy command automatically builds and pushes to git master. Let's preserve our code by creating a new branch develop.
Creating and moving a branch
git branch develop
git checkout develop
Uploading a source code to git
git add .
git commit -m βblog posting~~β
git push -u origin develop
Make sure to change the default branch to develop!
Settings -> branches -> Default branch -> develop -> update